Confetti Soap

072018_30534wp-e1532726515110.jpgOf all the requests I’ve had on my YouTube channel and blog, creating a soap using my scraps has to be one of the most frequent. I’ve been thinking on it for a long time, trying to come up with some original creative soap using all the bits of leftover soap I’ve accumulated. Unfortunately, the only thing I could think of was a gradient confetti soap. It sort of worked. The one thing I did manage successfully was to prevent gel phase and create the whitest soap I’ve ever made. Very exciting! Well, it is to me, anyway. ;)  If you just can’t wait to hear more, keep reading.  Oh, there’s also a 5 minute video documenting the whole thing. :)

When I think of confetti, I always picture a celebration where the floor is covered in colored paper with bits of it still falling from the ceiling. I really wanted my finished soap to have that appearance. What I discovered was that listening to a riveting audio book while measuring out confetti and pouring each layer just isn’t the best idea. At some point during the video (below), I point out when I should have laid off adding more soap scraps to the cup.  I think that was really the main mistake in getting my gradient look. But all in all, I’m actually quite pleased with the soap. The very white base color helps my naturally colored scraps look way more colorful than they ever did before.

Speaking of the very white base soap, most of my uncolored soaps are just not very white at all. More like a light beige. I started by using a recipe I knew would make a light colored soap. The olive oil I use is very light in color which really helps, too. I also knew I needed to avoid gel phase, as that can really make soap darker and less opaque. To prevent gel, I soaped at 80º F and placed the soap into the refrigerator as soon as possible. After about 24 hours, I removed it from the fridge and unmolded it. I left it alone for another 48 hours before cutting it. So a total of 72 hours went by between making and cutting, and the soap was hard enough to cut without any issues. I do have a large dehumidifier which helps. It has made an amazing difference in my shop if you ever want more information about it.

I had lighting issues during the video which caused the soap to look a little yellowish at times, but in reality, it’s actually white. :)


Olive Oil – 45%
Coconut Oil – 25%
Sunflower Oil – 10%
Shea Butter – 10%
Cocoa Butter – 5%
Castor Oil – 5%

I think lard makes an even whiter bar. If I’d had some, I would have used lard in place of the sunflower oil, shea butter, & cocoa butter.

Superfat – 6%

Lye Solution – 33% (Water = 2 x sodium hydroxide)

To calculate the sodium hydroxide for your specific recipe amounts, you can use a soap calculator like the one at Majestic Mountain Sage:

Peppermint Essential Oil – (Amazon affiliate link)
2% of total oils in recipe

White Kaolin Clay – (Amazon affiliate link)
2 teaspoons per 500g of oils in recipe

My recipes are listed in percentages so you can adjust them to fit your specific mold size. If you need help converting the percentages to grams or ounces, here’s a great article from Lovin’ Soap:



In case you’re interested, I have an affiliate store where I’ve listed all of the soap making supplies and materials that I purchase on Amazon:
If you use those links to buy anything, it won’t cost you anything extra, but I will receive a very small percentage of the sale. Every little bit helps, though, so thank you very much if you do! :)

Thank you so much for reading my post and watching my video!


8 thoughts on “Confetti Soap

  1. Absolutely beautiful and so festive looking! My question is how much soap did you have to make? I’m assuming a lot less than a regular batch since the confetti takes up much of the bar.

    Thank you.


  2. i was sure i will find titanium dioxide in the ingredients, but i didn’t. and you used even olive oil, 45%!! respect!!
    I’m a huge fan of your work!!! it’s a pleasure to watch your videos and read the “soap story”. thank you Holly, you’re amazing :)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey Holly, I made a similar batch of this soap and cut them after leaving them in the fridge for a day. The bars looked great freshly cut but soda ash started to form on the surface during the following day. I had never had soaps chilled before so I wonder if this is normal. Perhaps I should have waited for 2 days before cutting?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Amber, refrigeration can slow the saponification process a bit. Maybe that’s what happened here. I usually wait until the soap has returned to room temperature and firmed up a bit before cutting. Mine usually sits in the fridge one day, sits out one day to warm up, and then I’ll unmold it and maybe even wait another day, if needed, until the soap is hard enough to cut. :)


  4. Hi Im a beginner and I would want to understand that when u say lye solution 33%(water= 2xsodium hydroxide ) what does that mean. How do you calculate it.
    I learnt to calculate water are 6/16 x the total weight of oils


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